How Addressable Geofencing Enhances Direct Mail

Is Direct Mail Dead In 2020?

Let’s face it’s 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Direct Mail is dead…. right? People just do not respond today to the same tactics that worked last year much less last decade. They have become jaded by the $5 Walmart Gift Cards, Pre-Approvals, Fake Plastic Keys and “Hand Written Post-It Notes”. The number of pages (inching closer to thickness of an old school local Autotrader) and size of the mailer whether postcard or something that unfolds to more resemble a billboard than a mail piece has lost its punch. Their intended recipients now numb to their ever growing size and thickness after receiving tens if not hundreds a year for decades. The question of “is Direct Mail dead” seems to answer itself yet you’d be surprised. Like the old infomercial adage goes “There must be a better way” and their is… How Addressable Geofencing Enhances Revives Direct Mail Addressable Geofencing improves the ability to reach individuals in a direct mail campaign at the household level targeting the exact plat lines of the property. This technology allows us the ability to target your traditional mailer’s manifest. Targeting this audience with a unified marketing message through display, video and audio before mail hits mailboxes lends to increasing the overall effectiveness of the campaign. Unlike traditional mail addressable geofencing allows for the tracking of  both online and offline conversions providing a more accurate ROI. Conversion Zones report the conversions that come offline from online, providing companies a CPA for the driven from the manifest to the business’s physical brick & mortar location. In short, digital addressability extends the reach of your mailings. You also have the data to personalize those mailings to improve engagement at every new touch-point. For more information about digital addressability and how we can layer it on top of your current direct mail campaigns, contact XPND Interactive today.